Why not join us and become a regular member of Woodbridge Gardening Club? We welcome all ages and abilities!
Individual membership is currently £15.00pa and is renewable in January. Payment can be made by BACS into the Society’s account:
Woodbridge Horticultural Society
Sort Code: 40-47-42
Account Number: 51401823
Ref: Subscription
We currently meet on the second Tuesday of each month at the Quay Church and have a varied programme of events throughout the year including regular talks. Members pay a charge of £3 per meeting. Visitors are also very welcome on payment of a charge of £5. We serve tea and biscuits and hold a raffle to help with funds.
To join, please complete the application form below, or call 07950 291395 for further details.
Alternatively, just come along to one of our meetings. There will always be a friendly face to welcome you!
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