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Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

The benefits of bringing the outdoors inside with houseplants are well known, provided of course that they can be kept…

Martlesham Wilds

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Martlesham Wilds is being transformed from an organic farm to a nature reserve, providing a space on the banks of…

Irises and their place in our gardens

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Available in a wide variety of colours and flowering from spring until late summer, the Iris is a staple in…

Gardening for the Uncommitted

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

With over 20 years in horticulture, most recently at Katie’s Garden Plant Centre and Bridge Farm Plants, Catherine McMillan is…

Landscaping England – Mr Brown who saw capabilities

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown is thought to be responsible for some 170 landscaped country house and estate gardens in Britain including…

Wasps: malicious or misunderstood?

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

A more unwelcome guest in our gardens there surely cannot be. The wasp, looking for its next sugar fix, intrudes…

Landscape design

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Speaker: Roger Gladwell from award winning Roger Gladwell Landscape & Design


Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Details to be advised

My journey with flowers

Woodbridge Quay Church Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Diane Heasley may have started her career as a florist but she’s certainly mixed things up since then including stints with…

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